To keep my dreams focused and on track, I periodically use a simple, but fun, brainstorming tool: I ponder what I would do if I had all the time and money in the world. Each time I open my journal do do a bit of daydreaming via this exercise, I discover that I would not be living a dramatically different life. I learned at a very young age that knowing what makes you happy and fulfilled in life is half the battle. Making time for your dreams, building confidence and momentum through realistic planning and results is the other half of the battle.
Remember that old saying, if you have no idea where you want to go, you will never get there? Likewise with your dreams. When you have a passion, a dream, that is embedded in your heart and soul like an itch that needs to be scratched - you should scratch and scratch and scratch, then scratch some more. As a kid I had an itch. I loved to write, so I decided that I wanted to be a journalist and started by working on my school newspaper. College later led to a job as a television reporter. My dream of course grew. I decided I wanted to be a White House Correspondent.
As one would expect, my career, like life in general, took many twists and turns. I didn't always get what I wanted and figured out "that was okay". There is always another opportunity, you just need to keep reaching. I did end up at the White House, but as a Political Appointee working for the Clinton Administration, rather than as a journalist. Moral to my story: Common sense makes good sense. Passion, focus, flexibility, planning, patience, and the willingness to embrace and learn from failures were key ingredients in every success and milestone. Life does not out work out exactly as you hope and 'plan', but that doesn't mean you can't live a wonderful life.
Since I am not a millionaire with unlimited time, money and household help, I have long pursued my passions "step by step and day by day". I have always been very organized and goal-oriented, carrying with me paper calendars and spiral notebooks. These simple tools help me to plan and track progress and to keep my enthusiasm high even on those days when I just don't "feel like it". One of the best motivators is achievement. Seeing wins in black and white, on paper, makes you hungry for more. Some days, of course, a flooded 'In Box' takes over my life, much to my chagrin, and my own priorities hit the back burner. It can be very frustrating. But I always manage to get back on track. I never, ever give up that sense of hope for a positive outcome and faith that I have what it takes to succeed.
I live by my simple motto, "Small daily steps add up to big results over time', and remind myself every morning that even if I can only spend 30-minutes working on a dream, that 30-minutes adds up to 7.5 full days in a year's time. Sometimes it feels like I am filling a swimming pool with an eyedropper, but in the end the pool does get filled.
With that in mind, I am Taking Things Step By Step, Day By Day. It is all a part of my Fourth Annual I Resolve To . . . Challenge: 365 Resolutions For Health & Happiness. Why not join me? The objective is very simple: Do at least one thing each and every day to promote health and happiness for 'YOU'. Banish the 'Someday, Someday, Someday Syndrome'. Instead, make every day New Year's Day. Make every day count with 'Daily Resolves'. The list of possibilities is infinite and can be tailored to your own dreams, resolutions and daily goals. If you need some help - a little nudge, a bit of inspiration, tips, advice, and news about the best ways to make resolutions a reality - please use IResolveTo.Com as one of your resources. To see my personal 'Health & Happiness Tapestry', click through my 2009-2011 Photo-Resolutions, each one documents my journey toward greater health and happiness! Resolve365 in 2012.
To better organize myself, each weekend I am posting a Daily Resolve 'To Do List' - at least seven resolutions from my 'Health & Happiness Tapestry' that I plan to achieve, and I will undoubtedly throw in some new ones along the way. My Daily Resolve 'To Do List' is one more way to focus and track the small daily steps that I take toward health, happiness, and of course my 'Big Dreams'. Here are my 'Daily Resolves' for the coming week:
- Eat daily fruit and veggies.
- Walk for health and happiness!
- Meditate while waiting in lines, good use of time!
- Write and photograph daily, even if for just minutes.
- Drink Milk (for my daily Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D)!
- Get my hands dirty in the garden - give my shrubs a haircut!
- Continue to tackle my Spring Cleaning one preject at a time!
The whole purpose of Daily Resolves is to mindfully inject small bits of joy and healthy habits into each and every day. More often than not, good health and happiness can be derived from simply finding your core purpose (the things in life you value and dreams you want to achieve), then pursuing those passions with dilgence and patience. Small daily steps do add up to big results over time.
Remember: I Resolve To . . . Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year.® It's your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality in five simple, common sense steps: Dare To Dream, Decide, Define, Develop A Plan, and Do It Daily. Make your resolution a permanent Lifetime Resolution, something that's with you for good! Above all, Be A Resolutionista, someone who makes resolutions, keeps resolutions, and enjoys the journey! Let's Go For It!
Need More Inspiration? Wear Your Resolution By Visiting The I Resolve To . . . Shop At CafePress: IResolve To . . . Resolutionista Gear And By Joining The Official I Resolve To . . . Group At Gather.Com. Get going on your 2012 New Year Resolutions with the I Resolve . . . To Worksheet. View my 2009-2012 Health & Happiness Tapestry by clicking through Daily Resolve Photo-Resolutions.
Kim M. Simpson - May 27, 2012
Copyright © I Resolve To® . . . * All Rights Reserved.
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Posted by: quality essay | Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 09:38 AM
This is a good reminder to students. Sometimes we tend to set our goals too high that it is already impossible. I hope we always keep this in mind.
Posted by: school uniform | Friday, October 19, 2012 at 03:36 AM