« I Resolve To® . . . Haiku Resolve: One Haiku Each Week In 2020 - Vibes #1 Of 52 | Main | I Resolve To® . . . Haiku Resolve: One Haiku Each Week In 2020 - Vibes #3 Of 52 »

Sunday, January 12, 2020


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I Resolve To . . . Motto

  • Small Daily Steps Add Up To Big Results Over Time. Take One Today!

I Resolve To . . . Promise

  • Be a Resolutionista. Make Resolutions. Keep Resolutions. Enjoy the Journey! Take that first small step today. Open your mind, dare to dream and make a decision to go for it. Procrastination is your worst enemy and patience is your best friend. Make a promise to yourself: I Resolve To . . . Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year.® Make every day New Year's Day. Make every day count. Be a resolution revolutionary and make lifetime resolutions that are with you for good!

I Resolve To . . . Challenge

  • I Resolve To® . . . Embrace The Beauty! (2014)
    Take the 16th Annual I Resolve To® . . . Challenge in 2024: 365 Resolutions For Health & Happiness. Make every day New Year's Day. Make every day count. Do at least one thing each and every day to promote health and happiness for you! Small daily steps add up to big results over time. Click on the photo to view my tapestry of photo-resolutions AKA Daily Resolves. Resolve365!

I Resolve To . . . Formula


I Resolve To . . . Do's

  • 1 -: DARE TO DREAM
  • 2 -: DECIDE
  • 3 -: DEFINE
  • 5 -: DO IT DAILY!

I Resolve To . . . Don'ts

  • 2 -: GIVE IN TO FEAR
  • 4 -: GROW BORED
  • 5 -: GIVE UP!

I Resolve To . . . Resolutionista Definition

  • Resolutionista - (rez - o - lu -tion -ista) Noun 1) someone who makes resolutions, keeps resolutions and enjoys the journey.

I Resolve To . . . Give Back & Show Gratitude

  • Some Passionate Causes: 1) Support Actress/Activist Emmanuelle Vaugier's The Fluffball Foundation (Raised, Donated nearly $20,000+ since 2015; 2) Volunteer to help animals and be a great rescue "Mom" to my cats; 3) Combat global warming (Recycle, Reuse & Reduce); 4) Engage in Premeditated Acts of Kindness; 5) Walk 60 miles for the Washington, DC Susan G. Komen For A Cure Breast Cancer 3-Day (2008, 2009, 2012) and serve as Volunteer Camp Services Captain (2010-2011). Raised/Donated $10,000+!

I Resolve To . . . Support The Fluffball

  • My #1 charitable cause since 2015 has been The Fluffball Foundation created by Actress/Activist Emmanuelle Vaugier. Through fundraising, the Fluffball works to support various organizations focused on animal rescue and well being efforts across the United States. I am gratified that the nearly $20,000+ that I have donated and raised since 2015 has funded The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, Forgotten Horses Rescue, Inc., and other animal welfare charities. There is so much more to do and so many more animals to help. My goal is to donate and raise a total of $50,000. Please visit www.thefluffball.com for more information and to donate!

I Resolve To . . . Walk For A Breast Cancer Cure

  • Breast Cancer 3-Day - October 9-11, 2009 - Shot #21
    Lifetime New Year Resolution: Give back and volunteer out of gratitude for all that I have and all that I am. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day is a longtime cause. Here are some inspiring moments with wonderful 3-Day friends!

I Resolve To . . . Wander The World

  • Elaine Abras - December 7, 2013
    All work and no play is an unhealthy way to live. It ultimately leads to health issues and burn out. Being mindfully proactive about rest, relaxation and fun is a prescription for health and happiness. One of my top resolutions. Here are some photos that make my case!