An ending. A beginning. Perhaps that is what I love the most as the final seconds tick by on New Year's Eve: When the clock strikes midnight, we receive the gift of 365 new opportunities to make good on dreams, New Year Resolutions and daily goals. As we pass from one year to the next, we receive another chance to achieve our heart's desire. Critics of the New Year Resolution contend it is silly to wait until a specific date on the calendar to 'change'. I agree. If you want to start an exercise program, launch a dream, improve your health, and on and on, begin when you are ready to begin. Begin when you can turn a spark of an idea into a flame. Begin when you have the guts and gumption to start over and over again, until you get it right . . . until you reach your final destination with pride and passion.
Even though I agree with the critics, I still treasure that magical date on the calendar - January 1 -because it holds promise and hope. I believe that you can turn yesterday's dreams into tomorrow's realities, if you act with patience, passion and persistence. The end of a year dissolving into the start of a new year is a wonderful time to transform ideas into something tangible and real. Why not take that first step today? Open your mind and dare to dream. Make a decision to pursue a beloved dream, or wonderful goals that have been biding their time in your heart and soul. Define what you intend to achieve. Develop a plan. Do it Daily. That's the I Resolve To . . . System For Success, created from my own common sense experiences with New Year Resolutions.
In 2010, I intend to 'Boldly Resolve In The New Year', as part of my I Resolve To . . . Challenge: 365 Resolutions For Health & Happiness. Why not join me? The objective is very simple: Do at least one thing each and every day to promote health and happiness for 'YOU'. Banish the 'Someday, Someday, Someday Syndrome'. Instead, make every day New Year's Day. Make every day count with 'daily resolves'. The list of possibilities is infinite and can be tailored to your own dreams, resolutions and daily goals. If you need some help - a little nudge, a bit of inspiration, tips, advice, and news about the best ways to make resolutions a reality - please use IResolveTo.Com as one of your resources. Resolve365 in 2010!
I succeed in keeping my New Year Resolutions because I enjoy coloring outside the lines with a big, bold, red crayon. Rather than adopting that tired list of resolutions (the 'shoulds, or 'sins', as I call them because they usually call for eliminating bad habits), I make resolutions about things that inspire passion, things that I love to do, or want to be. I have been noodling my 2010 Resolutions since early last Fall. I believe in adopting 'Lifetime Resolutions' - resolutions that are with me for good - rather than crossing them off my list and moving on. So, many of my resolutions continue from one year to the next, in a building block fashion. I work to challenge myself by taking each priority to the next level year-after-year, while adding in new priority resolutions when the time is right (alas some resolutions eventually drop off the list, as I change and grow).
With that in mind, here are some of the highlights of my 2010 intentions:
- I Resolve To . . .Challenge: In 2010, I embark on the second year of the Challenge with the intention of taking at least one small daily step toward health and happiness in seven categories derived from my 2009 Daily Resolves (which were illustrated via 365 photo-resolutions; I had a ball creating each and every one!). The seven categories include: 1) Food/Nutrition; 2) Health/Exercise; 3) Gratitude/Giving Back/Spirituality; 4) Fun/Adventure; 5) Work/Dreams/Creativity; 6) Home/Family/Friends; and 7) Lessons Learned/Accountability. I also am working on the next phase of this project: calendars and other merchandise that will help folks to keep dreams, resolutions and daily resolves/goals front and center. Stay Tuned!
- Gratitude & Giving Back Theme: In 2008 and 2009 I focused on a theme of 'gratitude' for all that I have and all that I am, and 'giving back', in four areas of my life: 1) Walk 60-miles and raise nearly $6000 total in the 2008 and 2009 Washington, DC Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walks (a top achievement that brought enormous joy in 2008 and 2009; in 2010, rather than walking I am donating four days of my time to work nearly round that clock to take care of the DC 3-Day Walkers); 2) Reduce my Carbon Footprint by recycling, reusing and reducing; 3) Engage in Pre-Meditated Acts of Kindness in an effort to be consciously kind each day; 4) Volunteer on a Virginia Horse Rescue Farm (one out of four gratitude resolutions that is a future 'To Do'). In 2010, all four resolutions are front and center on my 'To Do List' and the 'gratitude/giving back' theme continues!
- Creativity Theme: I come full circle with this theme. In 2005 when I launched my first blog and my I Resolve To . . . Column, my motto for the blog was 'Words And Pictures, Pictures And Words, A Creative Life Does Make. My motto for my business, For The Record PPA, Inc. is 'Do What You Love, Love What You Do'. Creativity is at the core of all that I do, whether on my blogs, in photos, writing, my home, or garden, so I intend to take steps in 2010 to nurture my creativity. One project will be to revisit the Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. I completed her book and program in the 1990's and revisited at various points during the past decade. In 2010, I plan to do the Artist's Way program with a beginner's sensibility. I also intend to upgrade my portfolio's, blogs, websites and create an old fashioned scrapbook (I bought all the materials and started the scrapbook process as one of my 2009 Daily Resolves).
- Exercise: I intend to create an exercise program in 2010 that enables me to exercise daily by mixing walks of varying lengths with swimming, tennis, weightlifting, gardening, and biking. On average, I tend to do longer 30-60 + minute aerobic work-outs three to four days each week. My goal is to stretch, do light Yoga, and lift free weights on the other days. I love to exercise and participate in sports because they make me feel good, reduce stress, improve my mood, help me to maintain my ideal weight, and contribute to good health. Exercise is a Lifetime Resolution that I intend to prioritize.
- Reading: My goal in 2009 was to read 12 books. I read nine and am in progress on nine others (I often read a number of books at once). So, I read the equivalent of 12+ books and intend to finish the books that are in progress this winter, along with new titles later in the year! I also intend to visit my favorite bookstores more often, maybe once each month. I love bookstores as much as coffee shops - they're relaxing and fun and they spur creative new thoughts!
- Balance & Health: I am a workaholic who is trying to climb on the wagon and stay on the wagon. I created the I Resolve To . . . Challenge, in part, to devote more time to self-care. Major surgery in 2008 made me realize that I am not much good to myself, or anyone else, if I don't take good care of 'me'. I think a lot of people fall into this trap. So, I devised a simple Challenge that enables participants to 'make time' for themselves and their priorities. Some of my top resolutions centered around exercise, improved diet, adequate sleep, drinking water, taking vitamins, having fun, and reducing stress (Daily Resolves included in the seven categories noted above in the Challenge). In 2010, I'm taking the I Resolve To . . . Challenge to the next level and will introduce a group of 'Resolutionistas' who are taking the Challenge with me. Stay Tuned!
Remember: I Resolve To . . . Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year. It's your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality in five simple, common sense steps: Dare To Dream, Decide, Define, Develop A Plan, and Do It Daily. Make your resolution a permanent Lifetime Resolution, something that's with you for good! Above all, Be A Resolutionista, someone who makes resolutions, keeps resolutions, and enjoys the journey! Let's Go For It!
Need More Inspiration? Wear Your Resolution By Visiting The I Resolve To . . . Shop At CafePress: I Resolve To . . . Resolutionista Gear And By Joining The Official IResolve To . . . Group At Gather.Com. Get going on your 2010 New Year Resolutions with the new I Resolve To . . . Worksheet & Promise: I Resolve To . . . Worksheet & Promise.
Kim M. Simpson - December 31, 2009
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